
Your Questions

Q: How do we sign up to the Portal/App and upload my marketing assets to create my company's profile?

A: When you where added as a sponsor you will have been emailed an invitation to join the portal

Q: My colleagues have started to register themselves as an attendee, but also as an speaker. Will this be changed in the Portal/App now that our session information is submitted?

A: The speaking session will be added to the origianl attendee login

Q: What do I get as part of my sponsored stand package?

A: Your package is outlined in your sponsor agreement, it is floor space, 1 table, 2 chairs and a power extention. The Booth will be built in advance and have your name on the top. If you would like custom graphics these can be ordered direct from the venue

Q: Who do we need to contact to organise my stand graphics and furniture for my stand?

A: There will be a portal from the venue to go live on the 1st of July that will allow you to book artwork, screens and additional items

Q: As part of our package, we get access to the event registration list – what information do we get?

A: Contact Name, Email, Company Name and Job Title

Q: What is the process for ordering our stand graphics and furniture?

A: There will be a portal from the venue to go live on the 1st of July that will allow you to book artwork, screens and additional items

Q: Where will our stand be located?

A: As part of your onboarding you will chose your stand location

Q: Can we choose where our stand is located in the event expo?

A: Yes, this is done on a first come first serve basis

Q: Who do we submit our speaking session and speaker information to?

A: contact@scottishsummit.com with, Speaker Name, Email, Session Title, Session Descripion and image of speaker

Q: Do speakers have to register for a ticket?

A: Yes, Speakers, Sponsors and Guests must all have tickets

Q: How many people can we have on our stand?

A: There is no limit however common sense shoul be used

Q: How long is the sponsored speaking session?

A: All sponsored and non sponsored speaking sessions are 45 minutes long

Q: Can sponsors select the date and time of their speaking session?

A: Yes, This is on a first come, first serve basis

Q: Is the sponsor speaking hosted in the main conference room or breakout room?

A: All sessions are in breakout rooms

Q: How many speaking tracks are there?

A: 6

Q: Do speaking sessions run at the same time?

A: We have 9 sessions running at a time

Q: Where will that one-minute video we should send you be played, please?

A: Youtube, Social Media & Potentially in the venue

Q: How many characters should the 'Quote about the event’ be?

A: There is no limit, this is your shop window

Q: Can we do a competition on our stand?

A: Yes, Prizes will be handed out in the closing keynote

Q: Are we allowed to bring marketing giveaways?

A: Yes, please try to have sustainable giveaways

Q: Will Scottish Summit have an event app?

A: Yes, This is due to launch on the 1st of August and wll be in Apple and Google Stores

Q: Do you offer badge scanners as part of the package?

A: No, the venue may be able to supply

Q: Do the organisers have a diversity and inclusion policy in place? How are the organisers making it an inclusive environment?

A: Yes, we are proud of our inclusion by design and code of conduct that can be found at https://www.scottishsummit.com/policies/

Q: Do sponsors get any discount on accommodation or travel?

A: We do not provide travel or accomodation so are unable to offer discounts

Q: Can we bring our own prebuilt stand to the event?

A: Yes, a long as it fits into the alloted space and we are given 14 days notice

Q: Can we send items to the event beforehand?

A: Items can be sent 3 days before the event and will need to have your company name, stand number and Scottish Summit 24 in the address

Q: When can we set up our stand?

A: We are working with the venue on this, it may be the evening before but is likely to be early in the morning

Q: Do sponsors get a discount on pre-event workshops, social activities?

A: Yes, 15% on workshops and 5% on Socials - The can be done direct with the sponsor team

Q: Is there an option to purchase additional branding opportunities at the event?

A: Yes, there are spaces in the venue that can be ordered direct with them

Q: Is there car parking at the venue?

A: Yes, there is a paid car park for 1000 people

Q: What is the nearest hotel to the venue?

A: Hilton Teca and Aloft Teca

Q: What is the nearest airport?

A: Aberdeen, 20 minute walk from airport to venue